

Notes on back home.

For Max and Co, [collaboration]

PHOTOGRAPHED by Nathan Jolliffe

Creative Direction by Yan Yan Chan

It's funny what travel does to the mind and perspective. 12 flights in 5 weeks, 2 airbnb's, 2 couches, many visits to the currency exchang-er and many suitcase re-arrangers later.. we're on our last flight (for a little while), back on our way home.

Delirious with the amount of time-zones our bodies have had to endure in the space of 5 weeks, excited to sleep in our own beds for the very first time in a very long while, a little anxious to get back into the norm of life, yet extremely excited to return back to fresh projects and new perspective on familiarity and comfort - that is home. No more suitcase living and airplane food, but more adventures to look forward to. What city we will venture to next, that is yet to be decided.

Seeing the Australian coastline for the first time and waiting in line for that long awaited soy flat white are little and significant things that remind me of how much I love home - why we keep coming back. Little trips here and there, temporary moves to another city, always yearning for that Australian salt, but always dreaming of that next place, out of lust and out of curiosity.

We walked down the streets of five ways, Paddington - glassy mirrors that reflected Aussie's best designers, perhaps the best of the best - the ones that make Australian design so distinct and "Australian". I felt a rush of warmth - one that is familiar and nostalgic. One that I have for sure felt before, but there's something a little different this time. It's the feeling of opportunity and potential, newness and inspiration.

It's funny what returning home does to you after seeing so much newness in a different world. You begin to see what you use to see, before it all became too familiar.

Life on Film 002

The coastline.